Ashe Background

Ashe Background

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Feast

As you can imagine we were very thankful this Thanksgiving because Eli was finally HOME!
I am typing this one week out from his last surgery and his shunt still seems to be working.
I can't imagine a better Thanksgiving. I had all of my babies under one roof, a scrumptious meal on the table and my love sitting next to me!

Eli as our little turkey!

 Our little turkey hands!

The weather happened to be gorgeous that day so there was a lot of 
outdoor play while I was busy cooking!

I happened to glance out the window and this is what I saw. 
Eric's version of the barrel train.

My little Missy helping me cook!

Let's EAT!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Glad you were all together as a family!