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Ashe Background

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Our Valentine's Day was fun and festive! Which is exactly how we like it! I know there are some people out there who just pass it off as another Hallmark holiday, but I think a day that is devoted to showing your love is wonderful. In fact with the hustle and bustle of daily life, there should be more days to celebrate our love for one another. Thankfully, my kiddos agree with me and love the holiday as well!

We started off our morning with heart shaped pancakes!

Valentine Crafts thanks to Pinny!

Felt Heart Garland and Ethan's Love Canvas from last year.

XO wreath for the door

Ethan's Valentines for his classmates, Glow Bracelets!

Gracie's Valentines for her classmates, Playdough!

Ethan and Gracie exploring their loot!

I was trying to think of something special to make the kids for dinner and Ethan came up with a great idea. He remembered that I sometimes make this sandwich from Pampered Chef that is ring shaped. It is delicious, so easy to make and just looks beautiful. He came up with the idea to shape it into a heart and so we had that for dinner with potato soup. I think it came out really cute!

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