Ashe Background

Ashe Background

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Baby Sister

Well, I am now getting back into the swing of things and learning to manage my time between two little kiddos. I am still trying to process that she is really here because it all came so fast and we have waited so long for her. Eric basically hit it on the nail with the story of how she came and I know how weird this sounds but I hope that when we do have more they all come the exact same way. It was far from easy but recovery this time around has been 100 times better than it was with Ethan. I feel really good and I am even surprised how good I feel. Recovery with Ethan felt like forever. It helps not being so out there with a toddler and an infant. However, next time I will trust my instincts a little more because Eric almost got a crash course in Labor and Delivery. Out of that whole experience the thing that most shocked me was the fact that I could have such a dark haired baby. As soon as she popped out, all I could say was, “look at her hair”. I just love her hair and I am constantly touching it. Ethan had a good amount of hair but not as much nor as dark as Gracie. She has been doing wonderful and of course eating like it is going out of style. She isn’t really a crier and just does a little whine when she gets hungry. Eric tries to get her to really belt out but she may do a loud cry and then she continues to whine.

Ethan has done incredibly well and is constantly keeping tabs on her. First thing in the morning he runs up to her bassinet to check on her and continues to do it all day. When he can’t find her he puts his hands in the air and says “baby sister?” That’s what he calls her, baby sister. We ask him what her name is and he says Gracie but when he is referring to her he always says baby sister. When we got home from the hospital Gracie started to cry and I knew she was ready for a feeding but Ethan all of sudden started running around looking for something and I couldn’t understand what he was saying until he comes running up to me with a pacifier in hand. It made me smile that he knew she was in need of something and knew exactly what could help. Ethan never took to the pacifier so he had no clue what they were but he must have been paying close attention to us. He loves to help me burp her and gives her a kiss at bedtime. It is so heart warming to see them together.

Gracie on the left and Ethan when he was a baby on the right.

Gracie leaving the hospital
Ethan checking on his baby sister
Enjoying some couch time with big brother

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