This blog gives our family and friends a chance to be involved in our lives and watch our children grow. We have been blessed with four beautiful children; Ethan, Gracie, Lexie & Eli. Lexie and Eli were both born with Hydrocephalus. Siblings with Hydrocephalus is rare, yet not unheard of.
Ethan has done incredibly well and is constantly keeping tabs on her. First thing in the morning he runs up to her bassinet to check on her and continues to do it all day. When he can’t find her he puts his hands in the air and says “baby sister?” That’s what he calls her, baby sister. We ask him what her name is and he says Gracie but when he is referring to her he always says baby sister. When we got home from the hospital Gracie started to cry and I knew she was ready for a feeding but Ethan all of sudden started running around looking for something and I couldn’t understand what he was saying until he comes running up to me with a pacifier in hand. It made me smile that he knew she was in need of something and knew exactly what could help. Ethan never took to the pacifier so he had no clue what they were but he must have been paying close attention to us. He loves to help me burp her and gives her a kiss at bedtime. It is so heart warming to see them together.
Instead of him contemplating what he will be giving me for Valentines Day, Eric’s brain has been somewhere else. Today Eric defends his thesis and as he puts it all the work from the past 18 months lead up to this moment. Poor guy was so nervous this morning when he left but I am confident he will knock it out of the park. However, he did ask me what I wanted but unfortunately since he isn’t a medical professional that can’t get my contractions going, I don’t want anything. Speaking of wanting something, Ethan has learned that when he says “One more time, please” he can pretty much get away with anything. Anytime we tell him to stop doing something or that he can’t have anymore. We get this response “One more time, Mom” or “One more cookie, Mom” He will say it while putting his cute little pointer finger in the air like he is about to declare something important. This is how I see it, we are in the store and he wants to ride the horse again, he points his finger up and says “One more time”. Once his turn is done he gets off and walks away a happy child. Where as if I say no I get a screaming kicking child making a scene and basically we all leave in a bad mood. I figure what is so wrong with an extra minute especially since he asked nicely. We just have to pick and choose our battles with him. He is too funny though, yesterday we had a doctor’s appointment and I told Ethan that he could come with me to hear his baby sister’s heart beat. So there I was laying on the table and Ethan standing right by me. Once the doctor found the heartbeat, Ethan started screaming really loud “BABY SISTER, BABY SISTER”. It was so funny the doctor and I were both laughing. He said it with so much enthusiasm like as if he found it on his own. I just hope that enthusiasm stays when she arrives.
Around six this morning, we were having a really loud rainstorm. I woke up because of it but was just lying in bed hoping Ethan slept right thru it. Well, that was until I heard the sound his diaper makes when he is running into our room. He jumps on our bed, comes about an inch away from my face and asks in an inquisitive voice “Mom, what’s that?” I reply with “Thunder” then seconds later he asks again all surprised “Mom, what’s that? I answer “Lightning”. After a while the storm starts to calm down so I tried to convince Ethan that since it is still dark we should go back to sleep. He did not like that idea because once I rolled over and closed my eyes he started to pry my eyes open with his little fingers saying, “Wake up, Mom. Wake up” I have no clue where he learned that phrase because Ethan has never been told to Wake up! I know I have said over a hundred times ‘Go to bed’ but never ‘Wake up’. Then he says with such a polite voice, “
This weekend has turned out to be a mellow one for us. I am going through the nesting phase where everything has to be just right so Saturday was deemed cleaning day. Today, we have been taking it easy and just waiting for the game to start. We are going to enjoy some delicious junk food with some company and hopefully it will be a great game. I also get to try out my strategy of picking the winning team. It has worked for me all but one time. I wait until the end of the 1st quarter and that is when I pick my team. It has nothing to do with who has the higher score or which quarter backer is hotter. It comes down to who has the better sportsmanship in my opinion. Karma comes around and if you act inconsiderate, you lose! Eric thinks I am crazy but hey, the odds have been in my favor.
Here are two videos of Ethan. One is of us singing and the other is of him and his dad playing outside. It was cold but Ethan has been itching to ride his scooter outside. He is getting really good at it!