Got the sign from Pinny!

Yes, he has replaced me with another woman and, yes, she is younger.
Ms. Gomez (red shirt) is really sweet though!
Today was a HUGE day because our Ethan joined the ranks with all the other 5 year olds and started his first day of school. He was so excited the night before that he made sure to set his own alarm clock. I am convinced he thought I would purposefully sleep in so we would delay the inevitable. Despite my secret plan he woke up with a smile on his face and eager to start this new chapter. I was getting a little teary eyed but was keeping it under control. However, I knew that was not going to last when Gracie asked " Ethan, are you going to miss me? Because I am going to miss you this much (arms spreading wide)". Ethan replied with "Yeah, I am going to miss you that much too". Talk about tear jerking sibling love! Shed a little bit of tears during breakfast but I had composed myself by the time we left the house. As we pulled up I started telling Ethan "It's not too late buddy. We can go back home and you can learn at Mommy's school" He just laughs at my nervousness and says, "I am ready for this school, Mom". He walked right into the cafeteria, said hello to his teacher, and took his seat next to his future classmates. There was this energy of excitement and apprehension as I watched dear friends hold it in while cheering their little ones on. I was starting to feel more confident and at ease with the situation. Well, that was until his teacher asked them all to stand up, get in line, and say goodbye to their parents. I really wanted to say,
Okay, I have had enough of this game. Time to go home Ethan but I just blew him a kiss and said "Have a good day, I love you. " Many of the parents followed to the classroom but by that point I KNEW
(tears flowing) it was time to leave. Gracie and I kept pretty busy the whole day so by 2:45 we were ready to go and get him. As soon as he was in the car, Gracie and I asked him about 100 questions but just like a typical boy he only replied with,"I had fun!".
He has been exclusively mine
(yes, Eric's too, but really mine) for the last 5 years. I have been his teacher, friend, nurse, judge, playmate and most importantly his protector. I will still continue to fill those roles but now I will forever be sharing him with someone else. He will have to handle hateful disputes on his own, learn to tell the difference between a true buddy and one who is only looking for an accomplice. He will learn through teasing that boys are not supposed to cry where as cheered on when trying out a new trick/jump that can easily break bones. He may even learn more than what I think is appropriate for a 5 year old. However, I pray that this year will treat him kind and only enhance his love for learning. It will make this momma's heart happy.
Walking to his classroom