The anticipation has really started to grow now that we are in the 3rd trimester. We can’t believe how fast it is going. Ethan felt like the longest pregnancy ever but I think it was maybe due to him being our first. Now that I am so busy with him and other things, I often forget that I am even pregnant until my belly gets in the way. I feel more excited this second time around because I think bringing home a second child will be much easier than the first. I am not talking about it not being hectic because I know it will be. What I am talking about is that the first time you have a baby you are more nervous and tend to worry about things that are really out of your control. Partially it is because of it being a completely new world and you are inexperienced. I feel more prepared because this time I know how severe the sleep depravation gets, or what things to freak out about and what things are normal, and finally the enlightening experience of transforming from a woman to a darn cow. However, with all that being said I also remember how fast it does really go by. At first, those first weeks feel like months but before you know it, months have gone by and your baby is rolling over. I don’t think you even sleep as much as you did before kids even when they are sleeping thru the night. I just think your body adjusts to being a mom. Even before, I was pregnant, waking up at night felt normal and I always took it as a sign to go check on the Ethan. Now it just happens because of all the bathroom breaks. Overall, I feel more confident about what I can handle when I have done it before. I know there will be times when I will be pulling my hair out but like any other mother; you just remember that it is so small in the grand scheme of things and like all of the craziness before, it too will pass.