This blog gives our family and friends a chance to be involved in our lives and watch our children grow. We have been blessed with four beautiful children; Ethan, Gracie, Lexie & Eli. Lexie and Eli were both born with Hydrocephalus. Siblings with Hydrocephalus is rare, yet not unheard of.
Ashe Background

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Bye Bye Bottle...I'll miss you.

The bottles have been cleared away and replaced with sippy cups!!! I am glad to say the transition wasn't too painful and hopefully it didn't scar Ethan too bad. Plus, I think he enjoys the sippy cup because it is more mobile than a bottle. He is constantly moving about and has found a hiding place behind the TV. When I start telling him to get out of there he will crouch down and close his eyes thinking that if he can't see me, I can't see him. It is so cute the way his mind thinks.
Helping Daddy build the office chair. He wouldn't let go of the screwdriver.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Almost there!
Without a notice Ethan has said goodbye to his bed time bottle. It seemed like he didn't even notice that we switched it. I think the last time we tried to switch he wasn't feeling well and just wasn't ready to lose something of comfort. Therefore, we held off until a couple of days ago and he has done a lot better than expected. I think he has also realized that the sippy can hold the same stuff as the bottle. We are in the final stretch and hopefully we will soon be saying bye-bye.
This past weekend Ethan went to his first bowling alley. We went with some friends of ours and their son who is 1 month younger than Ethan. We didn't know how the boys would act and I just kept thinking that Ethan was going to be running down the lanes towards the pins. Thankfully, Ethan enjoyed watching us and then would clap afterwards. He would try to follow us to the line but with my fear of a ball to the head; he was kept off of the platform. On the lane next to us there was a family that had an 18 month old little boy who was bowling. I couldn't believe it because he didn't look under the age of 3 and he even picked up my ball by accident to bowl with. I can't wait until Ethan can join us in all the fun, but I will be amazed if he starts to play at 18 months!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Digging Out
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Addicted to Nilla Wafers
I am amazed at what he knows and really do underestimate him sometimes. It is when the mischievous boy kicks in and starts to feed Jager his toys after being told for the 100th time not too. He will wait till I am not looking and then when I go to get whatever toy out of Jager's mouth; Ethan is already running away with this guilty smirk on his face, looking for a new toy to tease the dog with, ugggh!
Daddy goofing around with Ethan.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Staying strong
1. Change from formula to milk--Done! That wasn't hard. He is a milk baby all the way and doesn't even notice the difference.
2. Change from baby food to table foods--Ethan did that for me by protesting baby food so no fuss there.
3. This is the KILLER, weaning from the bottle. --I have him doing good during the day but I have no clue how I am going to get him to stop on his morning and night time bottles. I have tried giving him his sippy cup at those times and he will push it away and won't calm down till I get a bottle. We are going to need to work a little harder!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Ethan!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Ethan turns the BIG 1!
Also, today is mine and Eric's Wedding Anniversary- 3 Years
Such a big boy!
4 days old, such a cutie!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Back to School
With enough delays and excuses Eric finally accepted the fact that he had to go back to school. The 10 week courses seem to be taking a toll on him. I have never seen Eric study so much. During college Eric was one of those lucky kids that always got A's without ever picking up a book. However, all of the reading that is assigned keeps him busy. With all of the pressure to get good grades it is a struggle to divide time between family and school, but we do the best we can. However I think Eric will do fine on the future semesters because he got a 4.0 on his last semester. I just keep reminding him that Graduation (March 08) will be here before you know it and we will be shipped some where else.
Thankfully Ethan is doing alright and is no longer having any sickly symptoms. It seems that we couldn’t catch a break; he was either throwing up or running a fever during December. However, now he is doing fine and acting like his normal self. I think the fever is due to new teeth coming in because he now has 6 teeth and is cutting the fangs. I just keep the orajel on hand at all times. With the new teeth, Ethan decided to put up a strike on baby food. Therefore we have started to give him regular foods and he has been doing great with it. It has been a lot easier than I expected and he seems to enjoy it a lot more. He really likes Spaghetti!
I am just busy trying to keep up with our home, scrapbooking, hosting some parties and planning Ethan's 1st Birthday party.
We hope that everyone’s New Year started out great and that the year continues to be good to you.