Picture with Santa--Ethan's Grandpa Dan who has been dressing up for 8 years to hand out candy canes in front of his decorated house which won "best lights" in our home town!!

This blog gives our family and friends a chance to be involved in our lives and watch our children grow. We have been blessed with four beautiful children; Ethan, Gracie, Lexie & Eli. Lexie and Eli were both born with Hydrocephalus. Siblings with Hydrocephalus is rare, yet not unheard of.
On a lighter note, Ethan is doing so well at walking! He looks so cute waddling everywhere.
Yesterday Ethan kicked off his 11th month with a bang, the morning bottle of milk that he enjoyed ended back up and all over Eric. For some odd reason he couldn’t keep any fluids or solids down. I called the doctor and they told me that it was the stomach flu and that they couldn’t really do anything and since he wasn’t running a fever it just had to run its course. They said just to keep fluids in him and it should only last 24 hours. Therefore we just kept giving him fruit and diluted Gatorade and I kept busy washing his clothes and bathing him. But just like they had said within 24 hours he was doing much better and was drinking and eating normally. On the other hand, Eric got sick and we had to experience the whole ordeal over again. Thankfully baby and Daddy are doing well and hopefully this flu has left our house for good!!!
You could never tell that a second before this picture was taken; Ethan was throwing the biggest temper tantrum. Red scrunched face, tears, arms and legs wailing, and screaming so loud that it probably convinced the neighbors to think of moving. However once I pulled the camera out, a whole new Ethan takes over and becomes the happy sweet innocent child that you see. He will even sit still for me and watches the ready light. Afterwards he will grab the camera to see the picture on the back. How does he know this?!! I think we may take way too many pictures.
He also got his flu shot today. He is getting much better at shots, after a 2 second cry he was done and back to normal.We have been so spoiled living in the southern part of the
Eric wants to retire in